Official Government Website


IOEM leverages the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) process to define targeted projects designed to build or sustain prioritized core capabilities, then seeks and manages appropriate funding streams.

Through continuous application of the National Preparedness Cycle, IOEM continuously reviews and updates programmatic requirements. IOEM then applies resources and develops partnerships to ensure the most effective and efficient use of State and Federal funds. It is through this process that IOEM is able to represent the governor, and on behalf of the governor, lead the activities of state agencies in all phases of disaster services.

IOEM encourages counties and tribes to complete their own THIRA to assist in grant funding prioritization and emergency preparedness planning. IOEM has developed a Local THIRA Guide to assist jurisdictions in creating their own THIRA. The Plans Section also provides THIRA assistance and guidance to local jurisdictions as requested.

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