What should you prepare for?
Find out what the hazards and threats are in your area and in your home:
- Is your home in a flood zone, or in an area where wildfires, winter storms, or earthquakes could strike?
- Do you use a computer or smartphone, or operate a vehicle?
- Other possible sources of danger
- Talk to your neighbors and other long-time residents as well as your local county emergency manager about what has happened in the past

How can you prepare for the hazards that you face?
Consider the following parts of a comprehensive preparedness plan:
- First-aid kit, fire alarms, fire extinguisher, and basic safety skills
- Financial preparedness plan and Emergency Financial First Aid Kit
- Evacuation Plan with a 72-hour kit (Go-bag, Bug-Out-Bag, etc.), including pets and animals
- Communications plan
- Carry adequate insurance and document property
- Prepare for power outages that may affect your home, neighborhood, or a large area
- Conduct practice drills and help others in distress
- Build up your emergency stockpile at home so you can survive for 2 weeks