Elk City Landslide 2016
Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security News Release
For immediate release, April 6, 2016
Contact: Elizabeth Duncan (208) 258-6595 or (208) 866-5969 eduncan@bhs.idaho.gov
Businesses Impacted by Elk City Landslide may be Eligible for Assistance
BOISE – The State of Idaho is seeking information from small non-farm businesses in and around the Elk City community whose operations and ability to conduct business were disrupted by a massive rockslide Feb 18th. This information will determine whether impacted businesses would be eligible for disaster assistance in the form of low interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
The rockslide on State Highway 14 cut off the only public access to Elk City, Dixie and other communities in Idaho County, and led to a State Disaster Declaration. In signing the declaration, Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter acknowledged the profound disruption to the livelihoods of area residents.
The State of Idaho will need at least five (5) or more small businesses located in Idaho County affected by the Feb 18th landslide to complete a Small Business Administration (SBA) worksheet before the SBA will offer assistance. Businesses impacted by the landslide who do not wish to receive the low interest loans are still encouraged to submit worksheets so that businesses who do need the assistance will be able to get it. The worksheet (attached to this news release) may be found on the Commerce website at https://commerce.idaho.gov on the “Communities” page. Forms can be downloaded and sent by fax to 208.334.2631, by email to jerry.miller@commerce.idaho.gov or mailed directly to:
Jerry Miller
Idaho Department of Commerce
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0093
If approved, the assistance will be in the form of low interest, direct loans from (SBA). Farms and ranches are not eligible for the SBA program, but may seek assistance from their county U.S. Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency representative.
Businesses located in contiguous counties may also be considered for SBA assistance as a result of the landslide. Clearwater, Lewis, Lemhi, Nez Perce, Adams, and Valley County businesses that provide goods and services to Idaho County may have experienced significant economic impact and are encouraged to submit worksheets as soon as possible.
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The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security is a Division of the Idaho Military Division. The services we provide are to facilitate emergency management in Idaho, and to assist neighboring states. The men and women of this Division are dedicated to their mission of protecting the lives and property of the people of Idaho, as well as preserving the environmental and the economic health of Idaho.
As the lead economic development agency for the State of Idaho, the mission of Idaho Commerce is to create jobs, strengthen communities and market the state by:
- Building the economy by assisting the growth of existing Idaho businesses and attracting new businesses to the state
- Assisting Idaho businesses in the exportation of goods and services to nations throughout the world
- Cultivating the development of new businesses and job opportunities across all industry sectors
- Expanding Idaho’s tourism and recreation industries
- Creating partnerships between the private sector and universities though innovation programs