IBHS Emergency Planner May 2015
Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security News Release
For immediate release, May 19, 2015
Contact: Elizabeth Duncan (208) 258-6595 or (208) 866-5969
State’s Emergency Management Agency Fills Emergency Planner Position
(Boise) The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security is pleased to announce Teresa Luna has accepted the appointment as an agency emergency planner. Luna accepted the position last week and began her duties Monday May 18, 2015.
Luna comes to Bureau from the Idaho Department of Administration. In her previous role as the Department of Administration Director, Luna worked closely with IBHS on issues involving cyber security mitigation strategies. Luna has significant experience in state agency coordination and a thorough understanding of state, county and local government in Idaho – skills essential for the success of the emergency planner function at IBHS. Luna previously worked with IBHS on the coordination and implementation of the Cyber Security Annex for the Idaho Emergency Operations Plan.
“Ours is a very specialized field and Teresa brings a wealth of subject matter expertise to the organization,” said Brad Richy, Director of the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security. Teresa’s skills align with the mission of IBHS and we look forward to her making significant contributions to the work we do preparing for, protecting against, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all hazards.”
Note to reporters: The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security is the State of Idaho’s emergency management agency. Please note that IBHS is an Idaho-specific agency, and it is not the same thing as the federal Department of Homeland Security. Within the State of Idaho organizational chart, IBHS is aligned under the State of Idaho Military Division.
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