Shoshone County Flooding Declaration


Idaho Buureau of Homeland Security Meddia Release
For immediate release, January 21, 2011
Contact:  Robert Freeley, (208) 422-3033 or (208) 859-6943

Shoshone County Under State Disaster Declaration Due to Winter Flooding


(Boise)  Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter declared a disaster emergency in Shosone County today due to flooding in many areas of the Coeur d’Alene River basin.  The Flooding was brought on by warm temperatures as well as rain that fell onto snow in the area.

The rivers and creeks in the area peaked above flood stage on January 17 and inundated roads in a number of drainages throughout the county.  The rain and snowmelt also caused landslides and washouts along the North and South forks of the Coeur d’Alene River, Saint Joe River and the tributaries that feed those drainages.  The flooding, landslides, and washouts caused significant damage to roads, forcing the closure of many.

With his signature, Governor Otter paved the way for a coordinated county-state recover from the incident.  The level of state support is yet to be determined as officials are still assessing the damage from the flooding.  The disaster declaration authorizes the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (BHS) to assign missions to State of Idaho departments and agencies if there are any threats to public safety.

Brigadier General Bill Shawver, BHS directer, will be visiting Shoshone County next week to view the damage firsthand and to determine how the State can help the county recover.  “One of BHS’s most important missions is to come to the aid of Idaho’s communities when they are in need,” General Shawver said.  “The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security will work to direct available resources to the task at hand.”


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Note to reporters:  The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security is the State of Idaho’s emergency management agency.  Please not that Idaho BHS is an Idaho-specific agency, and it is not the same thing as the federal Department of Homeland Security.  Within the State of Idaho organizational chart, Idaho BHS is aligned under the State of Idaho Military Division.


Original Release