Official Government Website

Public Private Partnerships

IOEM maintains a firm commitment to the important nexus that exists between the private sector and the work of county and Tribal emergency managers throughout our state.

Preparing Your Business Resources

The Public Private Partnerships Program at IOEM has worked hard to develop resources for business owners to utilize as they seek to prepare their enterprises for any type of disaster. In the wake of COVID-19, we additionally recognized that there was a need for a more in-depth booklet looking at pandemic preparedness. We hope that you find these resources helpful. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please refer to the bottom of the page for contact information.

Preparing Your Business For Pandemic

Preparación de su empresa para un apandedmia

Preparing Your Business for All-Hazards

Plan Para Permanecer En El Negocio

Business Continuity Planning Video

Idaho PPE Exchange Website

During the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the most immediate needs that every person, business, and entity had
was how to get a hold of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Smaller Idaho-based health care professionals and first responders found it difficult to compete in the acquisition of necessary PPE at a fair price. Likewise, many local suppliers, both commercial and non-profit, had stepped up to meet that need, but did not know how to find buyers. This is where the Idaho PPE Exchange (IPX), a non-profit site, created a forum for these entities to find one another. The exchange is live and currently lists over 100 PPE or pandemic related items that includes everything from sneeze guards and hand sanitizer to face shields, masks, and thermometers. The site has been active since early April and is updated as new items become available. Hale said the site has already enabled purchases within 50 miles of production at great savings. “There is a lot of price gouging by national firms. We ask the local suppliers to give priority to Idaho and keep the price within reason. Its honor based, with no legal obligation, but the commitment to fairness so far has been incredible.”

Buyers and sellers are encouraged to visit Potential sellers can apply through the “Supplier-New” portal.


Jon Hanian
Public Private Partnerships program Manager

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