Official Government Website

Special Teams

Idaho’s Regional Response Teams were designed as support units for hazmat incidents that exceed the resources of local response agencies. These specially trained teams are available to provide 24-hour coverage, seven days per week, and are presently located in fire departments of Boise, Nampa/Caldwell, Lewiston, Pocatello, Coeur d’ Alene, and Idaho Falls. In the last several years, we have coordinated with local first response agencies to create additional special teams throughout the State of Idaho.

Regional Hazardous Materials Response Teams (RRTs)

These are a fire based, specialized resource for responding to hazardous materials/WMD type incidents. Each team is working to become a Type 1 Haz Mat Team. Each team can provide for specialized chemical assessment, containment, research, and otherwise emergency control of chemical type incidents.

Regional Bomb Squads

These are a law enforcement based, specialized resource for responding to explosives, suspicious packages, or other devices suspected of having explosive potential. They are equipped to remote assessment and render safe activities.

Idaho Technical Rescue Teams (ITRT)

These are a fire based, specialized rescue resource specifically designed to respond to the problems presented in completing search and rescue activities in collapsed structures. They can perform remote search, confined space, materials breaching, and other activities associated with reaching trapped persons within collapsed structures.

Idaho Incident Management and Support Team (IIMAST)

This is a team made up of individuals from fire, law enforcement, EMS, public health, public works, and other public entities to provide overhead management of large scale, state or lower type emergencies/events. This team is trained in the wild land type incident management style and can provide emergency organization to areas within the state that need this kind of assistance. This is a relatively new team and is still growing in capability.

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