Official Government Website


PIER | Public Information Emergency Response Team | IOEM
 The Idaho Public Information Emergency Response (PIER) team was originally created through Idaho Executive Orders and was formed in 1997. The team is comprised of Idaho State Agency Public Information Officers or designated communications professionals.

The right information to the right people at the right time

Why is there a PIER Team?

The PIER Team is a public information resource of the State of Idaho. The PIER Team exists to provide the Right Information to the Right People at the Right Time during a major event or following a State Disaster Declaration. The PIER Team may be activated when the Idaho Emergency Operations Center (IDEOC) is activated. The group may also assist local jurisdictions or state agencies in collecting, verifying and disseminating important information to the public.

Requirements Include:
  • Thorough understanding of the Emergency Support Function (ESF) 15 of the Idaho Emergency Operations Plan. ESF 15 is the Public Information and External Affairs function of the Idaho Emergency Operations Plan (IDEOP).
  • Proficiency as a public information officer (PIO), including experience with media, social media, writing news releases, and answering media question for print and on camera.
  • Thorough understanding of Idaho’s Joint Information System/Joint Information Center (JIS/JIC) Plan.
  • Proficiency in navigating WebEOC, the State of Idaho’s emergency management information sharing platform (on-going training available).
PIER Team members:
  • Respond to notifications sent via Alert Sense – including activation requests.
  • Attend bi-monthly PIER Team meetings.
  • Participate when available in training and exercise opportunities.
  • Provide situational awareness of PIER Team activities to individual agency leadership when necessary.
Executive Order 2022-04


Each state agency will:

J. Participate in the state Public Information Emergency Response (PIER) program. Public Information Officers of each State agency are collaterally assigned to the State’s PIER Team Program during emergencies and disasters. PIER Team members provide a level of public information expertise not otherwise available to state and local jurisdictions. Public Information Officers will train and exercise in coordination with the Idaho Office of Emergency Management. When emergencies and disasters occur, PIER Teams will be deployed, when necessary, to the IDEOC, Joint Information Centers, field support offices and/or local jurisdictions.

Questions? Contact:
Public Affairs Officer

Tristan Lewis
Cell: (208) 803-5216 | Office: (208) 258-6585

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