PDA and Flood Safety March 2017


Idaho Office of Emergency Management
For immediate release March 14, 2017
Contact: Elizabeth Duncan
(208) 258-6595 eduncan@imd.idaho.gov

Preliminary Damage Assessments Underway for Winter Storms & Flooding

Idahoans encouraged to take steps now to avoid flood losses in the future during Idaho Flood Awareness Week


BOISE – Teams of local, state and federal partners are conducting joint Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDAs) this week in Idaho to survey damage caused by severe winter storms and flooding that occurred Feb. 6 – March 3. The PDAs in Bingham, Cassia, Elmore, Franklin, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Twin Falls and Washington counties will help the state compile reports to determine if federal disaster assistance will be requested. A similar PDA process has already taken place in counties affected by unprecedented snowfall.

The PDA process looks at the extent of damage, threat to public safety and health, business losses, extent of insurance coverage, damage to infrastructure, including buildings, bridges, roads, public utilities, water control systems and recreational facilities. PDAs can also identify unmet needs that may require immediate attention.

As widespread flooding continues to affect the state, now is a critical time to take action and protect your property and loved ones from hazards. Idaho Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter signed a proclamation identifying March 13-17 as Idaho Flood Awareness Week. This is especially important as eleven of Idaho’s 44 counties are currently under a State Disaster Declaration for flooding. Bingham, Cassia, Elmore, Franklin, Gooding, Jefferson, Jerome, Lincoln, Minidoka, Twin Falls, and Washington Counties have sustained devastating and ongoing flood damages to infrastructure, industry and private property.

Rising temperatures and record snowfall indicate wet spring forecasts. Steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from flood hazards include:

  • Purchasing a flood insurance policy, which can take up to 30 days to go into effect.
  • Having an emergency kit and keeping your important documents in a water-tight container.
  • Drivers should never attempt to cross flooded roads in a vehicle.
  • Turn Around Don’t Drown. This is just as important in winter as it is in spring.
  • Assess the safety of your route. Some roadways heading toward Nevada and Oregon may continue to have challenging conditions. Road condition information can be found at www.wrh.noaa.gov/wrh/travel/?wfo=boi.
  • If you are traveling, make sure your vehicle is equipped with emergency supplies. A list of emergency supplies, including water, snack foods, flashlights, extra batteries, blankets and booster cables can be found at www.Ready.gov/car.


Visit www.Ready.gov/floods for more flood safety steps.


Minidoka County March 2017
Minidoka County March 2017


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The Idaho Office of Emergency Management is a Division of the Idaho Military Division. The services we provide are to facilitate emergency management in Idaho, and to assist neighboring states. The men and women of this Division are dedicated to their mission of protecting the lives and property of the people of Idaho, as well as preserving the environmental and the economic health of Idaho.


Original Release