Official Government Website

Mitigation Grant Pre-Applications

Each Tribe and county in Idaho have a hazard mitigation plan with actions to reduce risk. 44 CFR 201.6 and 201.7 describe the requirements for mitigation plans including updates every 5 years. Grant pre-applications may be submitted for funding eligible mitigation actions from currently approved and updated hazard mitigation plans.

The Mitigation Dashboard Hub shows each action from tribe or county plans. Actions may be viewed, edited, or a pre-application created and submitted. New users will need to register at IOEM Mitigation Registration and have permissions assigned.

Pre-applications are reviewed for eligibility by IOEM Mitigation staff and resources to assist with completing applications are below. FEMA Action Review Tool (ART) is an Excel workbook and will be provided by Mitigation staff. Application information will be supplied in the pre-application response letter.

To improve energy resiliency, consider microgrid projects instead of back-up generators, which are low state and federal priorities for FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs.  A possible generator source is the Federal Surplus Property program administered by the Idaho Department of Administration.

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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