Official Government Website

Continuity of Operations

Continuity of Operations (COOP) is an effort within individual agencies to ensure they can continue to perform mission essential functions during a disruption of normal operations. COOP helps your agency recognize and pre-plan for unexpected circumstances that may require such actions as delegation of authority, alternate work locations, protection of assets and recovery.

Proper COOP planning ensures the stability of essential functions through a wide range of emergencies and disasters. Today’s changing threat environment and recent natural and man-made emergencies demonstrate the need for COOP capabilities and plans at the local, state and federal levels.

Executive Order 2022-04 designates the IOEM as the coordinator of State and federal emergency response, recovery and mitigation operations during emergencies and disasters. It also requires each State Agency to maintain a current COOP Plan to be kept on file at the IOEM. It is the intent of the Idaho Office of Emergency Management to provide the necessary leadership, guidance and coordination to all State Agencies regarding Idaho’s Continuity of Operations program.

Additional Resources and Information
Plans Section Chief

Maija Reed
(208) 258-6541

Emergency Planner

Christina Lazar
(208) 258-6552

Emergency Planner

Brady Harrell
(208) 258-6577

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