Official Government Website


Preparedness | Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere | Have a plan, stay informed, and help others.

The goal of the Community Preparedness Program at Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) is to inform the State of Idaho citizens and visitors of the identified priority hazards and threats in the state. As well, the program strives to provide the right information citizens need to reduce their own personal risks from disaster and to prepare for a disaster or emergency in their community.

The Community Preparedness Program within IOEM takes a whole community approach to emergency preparedness. Time and experience have shown the more informed Idahoans are on how to maintain an adequate level of preparedness for all hazards, the fewer lives are put in jeopardy when disasters happen. By strengthening relationships with emergency management partners around the state, Idahoans are more self-sufficient and resilient.

How can YOU prepare?

Through continued education and outreach initiatives, IOEM hopes to create a culture of preparedness across Idaho citizens and communities. To learn about some of the different ways that you can prepare, check out the links below, and start preparing today!

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