Resolve to be Ready


Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security News Release
For immediate release, December 20, 2011
Contact: Robert Feeley, (208) 422-3033 or 208-859-6943

Resolve to be Ready in 2012


(Boise) – As the holiday season approaches, the Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security (BHS) would like to encourage Idahoans to be prepared and safe as they enjoy the company of friends and family. By resolving to be ready during the Christmas season and the coming New Year, our state and our citizens can minimize the impact of emergencies on their families, homes and businesses.

Travelling during the winter months presents challenges that can be reduced by planning ahead. By having an emergency kit in your car you will have the items needed if stranded in cold weather. This kit should include food, water, warm clothing, first-aid kit, a flashlight, sand or kitty litter for traction, and a shovel. Power outages during the winter can also cause problems and Idahoans should keep an emergency supply kit at home. As always, if Idahoans see something suspicious or out of the ordinary they should say something by calling local law enforcement.

As a recent report by the National Climatic Data Center highlights, 2011 has seen more billion-dollar natural disasters than any year on record. All of these events, which have struck every region of the country, serve as important reminders that disasters can strike anytime, anywhere, and being prepared is one of the most effective things we can do to protect our homes, businesses and loved ones.

“What makes Idaho so resilient is our close-knit communities and our culture of preparedness,” said Brigadier General Bill Shawver, director of BHS. “I would like to encourage Idahoans to continue that tradition and resolve to be prepared for emergencies in 2012. We cannot control the forces that create disasters, but we can all make a resolution to be ready for them.”

For more information on how to be prepared and what to keep in emergency supply kits visit or Being prepared also includes being informed on local hazards. Sign up for the Idaho State Alert and Warning System at to receive custom notifications for local weather issues, amber alerts and more.

Note to reporters: The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security is the State of Idaho’s emergency management agency. Please note that Idaho BHS is an Idaho-specific agency, and it is not the same thing as the federal Department of Homeland Security. Within the State of Idaho organizational chart, Idaho BHS is aligned under the State of Idaho Military Division.

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Original Release