The purpose of the PSAP Standards & Training Committee is to assist the IPSCC in accomplishing their Goals, Strategies, and Outcomes of their adopted Strategic Plan. The purpose of committee (including but not limited to):
- Developing an annual work plan for approval by the IPSCC.
- Identify options and methods for public safety dispatcher certification and re- certification in Idaho.
- Identify minimum training standards and model of credentialing process for public safety dispatchers within the State of Idaho.
- Assist in the identification of the issues and opportunities with emerging technologies.
- Assist the IPSCC with fulfilling its mission statement by identifying professional development opportunities and training.
PSAP Standards & Training Committee Mission
To assist the Idaho Public Safety Communications Commission in fulfilling its mission through professional development and standardization of public safety communications in the State of Idaho.
The PSAP Standards & Training Committee is comprised of twelve (12) members from the 6 PSAP Districts. It is the intention of the PSAP Standards & Training Committee to have two members from each district where possible. The committee will attempt to have two (2) representatives from each district. If a District is unable to include two (2) representatives willing to serve, another member may be appointed from another district. Ideally, no district should have more than three (3) voting representatives. Voting members should confer with and periodically report the work and progress of the Committee to all PSAPs in their district. Advisory and ex-officio members are not considered voting members. The committee updated their By-Laws in 2016.
- IDAPA 11.11.01 Dispatch Certification and Training: IDAPA Rules Governing Dispatch Cert Tng 111101
- Legislative Language addressing the Emergency Communications Officer (Dispatcher) hiring and training standards: Idaho Statute Title 19 Chapter 51
PSAP Standards and Training Meetings
- March 5, 2025 — Twin Falls Police Department, 321 2nd Ave East | Virtual