Landslide Idaho County


Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security News Release
For immediate release, February 25, 2016
Contact: Elizabeth Duncan (208) 258-6595 or (208) 866-5969

Landslide leads to State Disaster Declaration for Idaho County


BOISE – Due to extensive damage caused by a massive landslide on Idaho State Highway 14 that began 18 February, Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter has issued a State Disaster Emergency Declaration in support of Idaho County. The declaration, approved by the Governor Wednesday, ensures that all available resources will be brought to bear in the landslide response. Primary focus areas continue to be the safety of the residents in the Elk City area with restricted access into and out of their communities.

Engineers estimate it may take approximately two to three weeks to fully re-open State Highway 14 and remove an estimated 100 thousand cubic yards of slide debris. The debris is 40 to 60 feet deep and covers about 500 feet of roadway. “We are grateful beyond measure that no one was killed or seriously injured by the landslide,” said Governor Otter. “This event has profoundly disrupted the lives and livelihoods of residents in Idaho County. State and local agencies are working together to help restore access to Elk City and Dixie and other communities on this vital roadway. I also want to encourage civic-minded volunteer organizations to reach out to this community in their time of need.”

The Governor’s declaration is a prerequisite to access Federal Highway Administration Emergency Relief (FHWA) funding. The Idaho Emergency Operations Center is providing all available support to ITD and Idaho County in order that this critical route be reopened as soon as possible. A Forest Service Road is being used as an emergency alternate route until the Idaho Transportation Department clears and repairs Highway 14.


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Note to reporters: The Idaho Bureau of Homeland Security is the State of Idaho’s emergency management agency. Please note that IBHS is an Idaho-specific agency, and it is not the same thing as the federal Department of Homeland Security. Within the State of Idaho organizational chart, IBHS is aligned under the State of Idaho Military Division.


Original Release